The Altocumulus Clouds

Altocumulus Clouds (कपासी मध्य मेघ) of 7th January, 2020. Why to name a non-scientific blog post with the name of a specific type of cloud, you might be wondering. These clouds were the break between the two completely different events happened that day. Both events have one thing in common and that is me! The beautiful clouds will be the reminder of evil I am and  how evil I can be, a disappointment to everybody. To my parents, to her, to my gods, to the whole of society and to the universe. Maybe I am the jinx to all of 'em.

The day started with a crave in the heart, with an excitement, for the meet up that the day was bringing. I knew something big and awesome was going to happen, well it really did happen as I expected. We met, she sounded kinda off to me. I drove and passed by her locality with a fear that we might encounter her dad but luckily we didn't. I took her to that place through the jungle of R.K. Mission Ashram. The rocky terrain and me driving her scooty crazily through the ups and downs of the off road and took it very near to the place. Parked it, moved a little bit up on foot near the bushes and again up kissing all the while, holding each other's hands and me holding by her by her waist and sometimes resting my hands on her shoulder, haah that was fun! Her shoulders are really a good resting spot for my hands. She is a bit much chubby and really lovely to hold and hug, like human sized teddy bear. Her teeth, she tells, is a reminder of her childhood full of naughtiness and tantrums.
Crazy lovers! For sure we are! While kissing in the bushes and among those tall tall trees we never care for our clothes, we lay down on the ground, sit on the rocks, lean against the trees but all we care about is for the perfectness of the kiss.
Further trekking up and discussing how people come there and left the litter all around, how they abandon their beer cans and vodka bottles. We saw so many trees and flower bearing plants, I don't know whether she really likes trees and bees and flowers or do it for the sake of my pleasure. Chatting all the while we reached to the place I decided to take her. There are two rows of some kind of trees, dense enough to curtain yourself from the people that you might encounter, with each row having 6-7 trees. One the one side of these trees is a rocky hill, a bit difficult to climb and on the other side is fairly tall grass. Overall to say is that you are fully curtained from beings that you might encounter, the place is in the middle of the "jungle area", so yeah safe (or dangerous) for people like us. I planned and suggested her to try to look like a boy , yeah it's funny I know but still it will be or atleast I thought a better camouflage idea, yeah I know it was stupid. (ha ha ha ha)
Being in the place I wished to be I was happy and full with ideas to escape if we met trouble. We danced there, sat and slept on a bed like rock, kissed and had her in my arms. She looked lovely and like a happy little kid. Made some videos, the funny ones, and also I tried to climb the tree. It is really a serene place, we were all by ourselves. 
And then something happened there that made feel like the shittiest I've ever felt. She was angry/ disappointed with me. Fast forward to dropping myself off from where a new event happened. A small one, not a big deal for many but surely for me. I met one of my friend to go to one of my other friend's  place and there for the first time I saw and had a grab on the bottle of rum. I drank a bit of it (if you see from beginner's perspective it was not at all a bit) and also drove back to the home. I have always been a man of culture and drinking alcoholic beverage for me is not what a man of culture would do. 
Thanks for reading this far.  
Altocumulus Clouds: 7th January, 2020 (5:28 PM, IST), Ranchi

Black and white of the above picture to give a better contrast.


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